Some gotchas when deploying an AKS Application Gateway Ingress Controller with an existing Application Gateway using Terraform
Tag: Azure
You can run a Function App with Managed Identity for assigning Azure and API permissions. Managed Identities simplify authentication.
You can set Diagnostic Settings on Azure Management Groups with REST API, and by extension Terraform AzApi!
Connect Subscription Activity Log with Azure Event Hubs for sending logs to third party SIEM using Terraform. Reduced scope for RBAC permission on Auth rule.
When I saw that there was a repository available where Azure Landing Zones (previously known as Enterprise Scale Landing Zones) was being “bicepified”, I had to test it out! 💪
Last time I wrote about deploying a Self-Hosted GitHub-Runner locally on your own machine. This is obviously not a production grade way of running, but…
This will be a two part post, where the first is to set the stage for the next one. Together, these two posts will give…
TL;DR: You can configure individual RBAC on keys, secrets, and certificates in Azure Key Vault with RBAC enabled. Role-Based Access Control has been around for…
The Azure Automation authentication via System Assigned Managed Identity is now in public preview! This means that you can authenticate from an Azure Automation account…
Recently I was working on a Terraform project, creating infrastructure and doing deployment tasks. In the same time I was making modules, and tailoring modules…