You have configured Direct Access without using the Getting Started Wizard, but Teredo is still not enabled.
You have made sure you have two public, consecutive IP addresses, and Teredo still won’t enable using the following PowerShell command:
[powershell]Set-DAServer -TeredoState Enabled[/powershell]
Log in to the DA-server, remove the public IP-addresses on the external adapter, and configure the public IP addresses like this:
- Right click the internet facing adapter and choose “Properties”.
- Double click “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.
- Choose “Use the following IP address”.
- Do not enter any IP addresses yet.
- Click “Advanced…”.
- Input IP addresses and default gateway here.
- Click OK three times.
Try enabling Teredo with this PowerShell command:
[powershell]Set-DAServer -TeredoState Enabled[/powershell]
If this does not resolve your issue, try removing the DA configuration and start from scratch. This will remove all your DA configuration, all GPO related settings, and the server will no longer be a Direct Access server!.
Add the public IP addresses as described above. Try reinstalling Direct Access like you installed it before.
You will get a warning if the two consecutive IP addresses have been configured correctly.